You probably know this, or you wouldn’t be on this page.

Melinda Byerley CEO Fiddlehead

Melinda Byerley

Founder/CEO of Fiddlehead™

Let me assure you: AI and ML represent the single biggest opportunity marketing leaders have had since the iPhone launched.

Those who figure out how to use it early, will be set up professionally for a long time. I know there’s a lot on your plate right now. Return to office debates. Skyrocketing advertising costs. Reductions in staffing and budgets. Uncertainty and in some cases, even malaise in the environment.

After twenty years in Silicon Valley, I’m immune to hype. So when I say something is going to matter, I’m not adopting the flavor of the month.

There’s a shortage right now of talent to not only assess the opportunities, but also to implement them. This page represents a collection of resources that I and the Fiddlehead team have created to help you. I also write about these topics on LinkedIn, so come on over and say hi.

No matter if or how you engage me, please don’t wait to get started with AI in your company. Here’s a guide to finding a great strategist.



Let’s Get Real

Started in February 2023, this free Substack documents Melinda’s journey to understanding AI for marketing and analytics


Coming Soon: Season 5

Fall 2023: Season 5 of “Stayin Alive in Tech” Returns, with a singular focus on AI and ML for Marketing Analytics and Marketing Leadership.

Melinda’s AI Link List

Bookmark this page and it will update when Melinda adds a new link. From news articles to new tools, there’s a ton to explore.


“No Brainer” Podcast

Melinda gets to debrief the Marketing AI Summit with AI veterans Greg Verdino and Geoff Livingston. Laughs were had by all!


Selecting An AI Strategist

How do you know if you should engage someone as an AI strategist? I’ve written a post to help you think through the questions to ask.

Schedule A Discovery Call

Let’s talk about how to help you meet your personal and professional goals with analytics, artificial intelligence, marketing operations, and productivity.